Greater Madison MPO


Employee Commute Survey

Use the sample survey below to help you determine how your employees get to work, what difficulties they foresee, and what might motivate them to no longer drive alone.  Based on the results RoundTrip and our partners can help you decide what you might want to include in your company’s Commute Solutions program. In addition, conducting a survey before you start your Commute Solutions program gives you a baseline of data.  This allows you to resurvey later to measure progress. 

Tip: Conduct the survey during a typical work week.  Avoid holiday weeks or other weeks with company events that might impact employee’s travel behavior. Remember that there may be seasonal impacts on how people commute. Some employees may only bike during nice weather.  Some people may change their commuting habits when their children are on break.

Worksite Assessment

Once you have gathered information from your employees it is important to analyze your location and facility.  To determine what benefits it might make sense to offer or what options might work for your employees you need to understand your company location. Successful Commute Solutions program are tailored to the unique circumstances of your company.  The sample site analysis form below is intended to assist with your analysis.  It will help you identify barriers and opportunities such as location of bus stops, available bike amenities and parking costs.