Greater Madison MPO

Other Plans & Projects

MPO Plans and projects

Greater Madison MPO Regional Safety Action Plan

2024 Regional Safety Action Plan (PDF) (15 MB)

The Regional Safety Action Plan provides a strategic blueprint using a data-driven approach for creating a safer environment for all roadway users. It includes strategies such as prioritized infrastructure improvements, outreach and education campaigns, and policy changes aimed at reducing traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries. 

Dane County Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Plan

2024 EV Plan (PDF) (52 MB)

Our Dane County Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Plan was approved for release and adopted in March 2024. The plan outlines current trends in the electric vehicle (EV) market and explains what municipalities need to do to prepare for the rise in EVs and how to build out charging infrastructure at the local level.

Work Program

2024 MPO Work Program (PDF) (7 MB)

2023 MPO Work Program (PDF) (7 MB)


MPO Public Participation

2021 Public Participation Plan (PDF) (2 MB)

2017 Public Participation Evaluation (PDF) (4 MB)


Complete Streets Policy (Adopted May 2023)

Greater Madison MPO Complete Streets Policy (PDF) (1 MB)


Madison Region Telework Surveys & Tools

Greater Madison Telework Survey 2021

Explore takeaways from the most recent survey conducted from July 20-August 16, 2021, which received 1,179 responses from executives, managers, and non-managers throughout Dane County. Questions centered on challenges, benefits, desires, and expectations for the future of telework and commuting. Results build upon takeaways from the 2020 regional survey to highlight changes and trends over time, and provide insights for area employers and policymakers making decisions about workplace structures, transportation, and land use planning in Dane County.

2021 TeleWORKS Toolkit

The Greater Madison MPO's TeleWORKS Toolkit is a resource for local employers and employees, to inform ongoing planning for the future of telework in Dane County as a commute solution to reduce vehicle miles traveled in the region. The toolkit includes results from the first regional telework survey, tip sheets, national statistics, and profiles of local employers navigating the new normal.

2020 Madison Region Remote Work Survey: COVID-19 Impact

Household Travel Survey

2016-17 Madison Area Household Travel Survey

Dane County Bicycle and Pedestrian Crash Study


2022 Planning Certification Review of the MPO (PDF) (1 MB)

2019 Report of Joint CARPC-MPO Work Group (PDF) 

Other Agency Plans and Projects